• Jordan Spieth’s Hit Hold Move

    Posted on by Warren Raatz in Swing Analysis | No Comments

    Jordan Spieth’s Hit Hold Move

    Jordan Spieth’s hit hold move is considered by many to be a secret move, one that gives him an advantage over the field. Lets take a look  at his swing in slow motion to see what is happening.

    The first thing one can see is that he does not have a straight left arm at the top. And it is not straight coming down, into the ball or afterwards. This shows how the golf swing is based on momentum rather than through positions. With his dominate hand, the right, he is getting the right arm as long as possible through the shot.

    With the right arm fold at the top of the backswing it straightens down to the point where both arms are straight. This is the point of release and it is past the …

  • Jordan Spieth’s Practice Swing

    Posted on by Warren Raatz in About Golf, Golf Instruction, Newsletter, Swing Analysis | No Comments

    Jordan Spieth’s Practice Swing

    Jordan Spieth’s practice swing from waist high to waist high captures the golf swing’s core principals of plane, path, clubface and sequence. With little or no effort, he has these four elements in complete control. Here’s why.

    His practice swing starts with the right arm folding in the backswing and then the left arm folding in the through swing. As he does this back and forth several times the arms are traveling the wrists are hinging. This is arm swing and it is also perfect path.

    Path is the direction the club travels specifically the sweet spot of the clubface. Referenced to the target line at any one time this can be down the line, in to out, out to in, up or down. In motion the swing goes through all of these directions.

    As the …