What golfer’s can learn about Ground Forces from Bruce Lee.


Ground Forces

Ground forces power the golf swing with vertical, rotary and linear motions. And any three of these to all of these can be used as a dominate force. They become layered in varying degrees based on the individual to create maximum acceleration on the ball.

Golf swings develop momentum from the ground up with a chain reaction of legs, hips, shoulders and arms. This chain develops from a transference of energy that works up through the body; accelerations created from braking actions, not unlike a car when moving at speed, applying its brakes is felt in the restraints of the seat belts.

Beginning with the legs before each part of the chain has finished the next part has already started to accelerate, causing the forces to sum as they add to each other vertically through the body.

As the swing begins back to the ball the stored energy, in the form of a coil, can be used as the weight is transferred automatically to the left leg, a result of turn. This puts the golfer in position to start the chain reaction from the ground up.

And it is at this point that many golfers like Tiger Woods, when swinging well, or Rory McIlroy, are seen to drop in transition as they are loading more potential verticals on top of already existing rotary forces. They are layering. With the weight forward the left leg can straighten as it pushes down. This downward pressure creates an equal and opposite vertical force that initially turns the hips but then allows them to brake with the completion of the leg straightening. These become the early accelerators that channel the energy upwards into the other components.

What this says is that one does not try to turn the hips through the ball. Instead they automatically turn, just as when throwing a ball. And then they will brake with the straightening of the leg to transfer the energy upwards.

The following video shows Bruce Lee generating tremendous power  from the straightening of the leg. Watch how he uses the upper body as a counter force to the outward force of the leg, not unlike the back and up release with the posture in the golf swing.

With such extreme force this  explains why so many golfers are on their toes at impact golfers like Lexi Thomson or Justin Thomas. And why so many long drive champions are air-born at impact.

You many also be interested in my other article: The Importance of Posture in the Golf Swing.


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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
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