Over the Top with the Golf Swing


The Backswing and Downswing Plane do not need to be the Same

Over the top with the golf swing is a term that should be redefined. It was said of Brendon de Jonge’s golf swing that he is over the top with the golf swing implying that his swing possesses something wrong and that perhaps this is where golf swings go to die. Ok but it seems to me that we need to ask our self’s what does it mean to be over the top with the golf swing? Yes his downswing plane is definitely over his backswing plane however, golfers do not hit the ball with their backswings.

It seems to me that this comment is a perfect example of trying to impose a preferred look on the golf swing. Instead would it not be better if we put the preferred down and embrace that every swing is unique to the individual and that what needs to  happen is completely dependent on the individuals needs and requirements. There are many swings that go back on one plane and down on another. Some great players go back on one plane and then down and over the original plane like Bobby Jones, Sam Snead and John Daley. Some come back to the ball with a plane which is quite under the backswing plane like Freddy couples. Brendon has a thick chest and so he has an early turn required so as to create room for arm swing. He goes back on the shaft plane and then releases to the ball on the shoulder plane. Probably because his forearm is longer than his upper arm. So what? Imagine if you started his swing from where the club is over his right shoulder back to the ball, there would be no over the top and everything would be acceptable to the eye. 

A very important principle of the golf swing is happing here with Brendon’s swing and that is one based on momentum for the club always completes a circle. As long as the clubhead is swung outside the hands and what appears closed momentum will complete a circle with the club, back to the inside opening the face to square at impact. And if the clubhead is swung inside and open, like Brendon's, momentum will complete a circle back to the outside closing the face to square at impact. Momentum directs the club so  that both outside and shut and inside and open are functional places to be as demonstrated by many world class golfers who have swung the club within these two circles and what appears to be not on plane. 




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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421

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