The Golf Swing Has Three Givens


Every Golf Swing’s Three Givens

The golf swing has three givens seen that with arm swing the arms and legs will always coordinate, the arms swing very nicely on the line of the shoulders since they are attached to the shoulders and the shoulders turn only at right angles to the spine.

The golf swing’s three givens have a hidden sequence in them that can work either for you or against you. This sequence can also allow everything to arrive at the top at the same time or everything at different times. If the golfer starts the motion by swinging the club back one is assuring that the arms and legs will coordinate throughout the motion. With continued arm swing the shoulders will be pulled back and now everything will arrive at the top at the same time. Here the upper body is being wound against the resistance of the lower body with all the coil happening at the top of the swing. Now the golfer who has started with arms will automatically start down with the arms in proper sequence with the body and it’s ground forces.

But if the same golfer starts with shoulder turn the club is quickly taken off line. Now the turn is done but the arms have not started yet so they finish by lifting. The shoulders do not wait for the arms so they start down ahead of the arms. Here the golfer is seen as over the top. Now everything is out of sequence and there are no ground forces. However with a close look the shoulders are still at a right angle to the spine and the arms are still on the line of the shoulders it is just that everything is out of sequence.

So how does one sequence up a golf swing? Start with the arms just as they do in all the other sports.


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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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