Clubface Determines Path


A Cure for the Slice

Clubface determines path meaning that when the face is closed, open, or square, the path will be in to out, out to in or down the line to hit the ball at the target. This can be demonstrated with any tennis racket or golf club as one can swing left of the target as hard as one wants too but as long as the face is at the target with the moment of impact, the ball will go to the target. One can also swing to the right but again as long as the face is at the target with the moment of impact, the ball will go to the target.

Anytime one swings out to in it’s required to hold off the release so as to square the face, otherwise if one does release the club the ball will go left of the target. This results in a speed reducing cut shot as the arms are contracting through the shot and the use of the lower body is eliminated or taken out of the shot. Here the face has little or no value as it is being held off. But anytime one swings in to out a release is required so as to square the face. This results in a speed increasing motion as the arms expand through the shot which also brings in the use of the lower body. Now the face has value.

So one can see from this that since the face determines where the ball goes it also determines the path of either in to out, out to in, or down the line. It is simply a a matter of choice. Most of the time golfers want to achieve the greatest distance possible that each club provides. This requires a clubface and a releasing motion through the shot. To insure this make sure that the grip matches the speed of the hips and that when swinging the club, keep the elbows down throughout the motion and the arms on the line of the shoulders. This will ensure a path from in to out and a complete release allowing for use of the lower body. Now, with the lower body action, the face and the path will both be in the direction of the target at impact.

Having trouble with the slice. Fix the grip by getting the left hand more on top and then swing the club more to the right, in the downswing, that way the club can be released.  This will make the ball go in the opposite direction, left.




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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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