Putters Face Balanced or Toe Weighted


Putters face balanced or toe weighted are designed for ones individual stroke as one naturally arcs the putter or swings it more straight back and through. This means that not only are there two kinds of putters but there are two kinds of putters. So lets look at both the putters as well as the one who is putting. The next two pictures show the two different weightings of the club heads.

Toe Weighted
Toe Weighted

Faced Balanced
Faced Balanced

The first picture is of a toe weighted putter. When this club is swung back and through it is designed to swing on somewhat of an arc and as it does this the club will stay square to the arc opening in the backswing and then closing in the through swing relative to the target line. To facilitate this the clubshaft is longer and a bit flatter making it easy to capture this arcing motion. On the other hand the face balanced putter is designed to swing more straight back and through. To facilitate this the shaft is shorter and more to the upright. Now the face stays practically square to the target line back and through.

So the question is which one should you use? The way to determine this is to simple hit two golf balls at the same time as shown in the following pictures. If you hit both at the same time or the inside ball first you should be in a faced balanced putter. But if you hit the outside ball first you should be in a toe weighted putter. The next picture shows Sayaka Carpenter testing out to have an arcing stroke as she hits the outside ball first. Golfers that posses this type of stroke are many time seen to put with just the right hand on the club when practicing not unlike Tiger Woods. This takes the shoulders out of the motion and allows for the arm to swing back with the right wrist hinging and the right arm beginning a fold. Here the eyes are inside the line of the put and the face is allowed to release in the through swing.

Putting Test
Putting Test

With Right Hand Only
With Right Hand Only

Golfers that are more straight back and through will have the eyes closer to the target line and allow the triangle of the arms and shoulders to work more as a unit. Both work but what is not advisable is to have an arcing stroke with a face balanced putter as it will open in the backswing and then stay open in the through swing.



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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421

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