Controlling the Clubface in the Golf Swing


Two Things Control the Clubface in the Golf Swing

Controlling the clubface in the Golf Swing is easily achieved from having a correct grip and by keeping the elbows down throughout the motion. A neutral grip can be found by letting the arms hang from the golf posture as the wrist joint of the left hand will automatically line up with the elbow and shoulder joint. Putting the left hand on the club in this position, relative to a square clubface, means that when centrifugal force pulls the club out the face will remain square at impact as these three joints line up. We grip the club for impact. But as shown by Sayaka Carpenter in the follow picture, the more open the hips are at impact the more the shoulders and clubface are opened and so this player will require a stronger left hand grip, or more on top, so as to maintain a clubface at impact.

Fast hip player showing impact
Fast hip player showing impact

The other thing that controls the clubface are the elbows and their job is to stay down through out the swinging motion from start to finish. Keeping the elbows down maintains a square clubface but also allows the golfer to swing swing the club on plane and with speed for as the right arm folds in the backswing the clubface will naturally open to a neutral position and as the left arm folds in the through swing the clubface will close to a neutral position allowing for use of the lower body.

So any golfer can have complete control over the clubface by keeping the elbow down throughout the swinging motion and by having a grip that matches the speed of the hips.



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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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