Clubhead Weighting Facilitates Fades and Draws


Every Club is Toe Weighted

Clubhead weighting facilitates fades and draws as all clubs from driver to wedge are toe heavy allowing any club to be released or to held off as dictated by the path. The following picture, with Brian Yamamoto, shows how the toe of the club naturally hangs down when held out in front.

Hanging toe heavy
Hanging toe heavy

A toe weighted club when swung in to out releases quiet easily as it is trying to fly off on a tangent. The only reason it doesn’t do this is from the inward pull of the body turn. This is how one can arrive at hitting a draw, a shot that goes from right to left. With this the ball will go further but at the sacrifice of some amount of control. With the next picture we see Brian demonstrating a perfect draw release.

Draw release
Draw release

Opposite to this is a shot that is swung more out to in relative to the clubface. This can be seen from a bunker shot where the face has been opened so as to increase loft and bounce and then swung on the body line, aligned left of the target. Now the weighting of the club helps in keeping the face from closing in the downswing. Here the heel is leading the toe. But this can also be the golfer cheating centrifugal force with a short iron as one is inwardly pulling with the body turn, not letting the club fly off on a tangent. Here the heel can be leading the toe in the extreme case.

This weighting also allows any club to complete a circle regardless if swung on some aesthetically pleasing congruent plane in the backswing or more outside and closed, such as a Jim Furyk or inside and open, like a Sam Snead. All will now be able to return back to square for impact.


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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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