Cure for the Slice in the Golf Swing


Face Determines the Path

Cure for the slice in the golf swing is from a clubface and path that produces a draw found from a correct setup and swinging motion seen as in to out path. But anytime the face is opened unnecessarily, either in the setup or swinging motion, the path will have to be out to in so as to square the face at impact. This out to in path with an open clubface is the source of any slice. The fix is to return to having a clubface, one that necessitates an in to out path. And with this clubface one can also relearn to release the club and use the lower body resulting in a draw.

Here is a simple drill that reverses an out to in path to one that is more in to out. This drill also changes the need for holding off the face to releasing it, a move that puts the legs back into the motion resulting in both speed and power. Make sure the grip is correct, probably stronger with the left hand and then, when swinging, keep the elbows down throughout the motion.

By rolling up a towel and placing a teed up ball at the end of the towel one is required to swing more out to the right necessitating a release of the club. By doing this one can easily reverse the slice to a draw and then be able to use the lower body of the hips and legs. Here we see the towel drill with Sayaka Carpenter setting up the hit the shot for us.

Towel with ball
Towel with ball

Golfer at address
Golfer at address

Remember by swinging left one is required to hold the face off. This produces a speed decreasing out to in motion where the arms are contracting into the body and the legs are not being used. However by swinging out to the right one is releasing the club resulting in a speed increasing motion where the arms are now expanding through the shot as the legs and hips bring the club forward to impact.

Golfer swinging in to out
Golfer swinging in to out

Golfer bring club forward with lower body
Golfer bring club forward with lower body





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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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