How Golf Swings Miss The Shot


How Golf Swings Miss the Shot Give Four Possibilities

How golf swings miss the shot can be from hitting off the toe of the club or from off the heel and with both of these the path can be from inside out or from outside in. This gives every golfer four possible ball flights. This also means that if one understands these misses it is now quite easy to fix the problem. If one hits the ball off of the toe of the club and the ball goes left, this is from the body stopping and the arms wrapping. This club is coming from inside to inside. But this shot is mostly accused of being over the top as it is seen as going left. We can hear this all the time on TV “well Nick, he really pulled that one left”. It’s not a pull it’s an arm wrap and the last time I checked there was a great difference between the two. So the question then becomes why is the body stopping and the answer could be many things. It is hear that it is a very good thing to know your own golf swing. Perhaps the left foot is not flared enough or one is hitting uphill and not dropping the left foot back, Maybe one is going slow to fast and the body is forced into bracing.

If one hits the shot and it starts left and hit off of the heel, that is definitely a pull and it is also from having the shoulders dominate the motion. Now the path is from the outside. Here, what is called “the three givens of every swing” can come to one’s rescue: As long as the arms swing the arms and legs will always coordinate. The arms swing very nicely on the line of the shoulders. The shoulders can only turn at a right angle to the spine. So what this means is that if one starts the motion with turn the swing will end with arms and then the shoulders will not wait for the arms they will start down which puts one over the top and you will probably hit the shot off of the heel of the club. Do this even more and you’ll shank the ball. Swing the club, this will pull the shoulders back so that everything will arrive at the top at the same time. Now one will start with the correct sequence as the arms and legs coordinate.

One can also hit off of the toe and have the ball go to the right by leaning ahead of the ball. This path is now from the outside as the head, your head, is moving forward of the ball. Keep your head back that way the club can release and swing to a finish.

And finally one can swing too much from the inside and hold the face off which will result in a shot hit off of the heel. The fix here would be to release the club and allow the body to complete its turn through the shot. Most shanks are from the outside with a closed clubface. This move can create a rare shank from the inside with an open face. Henrik Stenson did this several weeks ago with a sand wedge from some 90 yards out.

the next time you are playing golf and you miss a shot ask yourself, is it off the heel or the toe. If you can do this it will put you at a great advantage to getting back to your solid on line shots.


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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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