Getting the Club Light in the Backswing


Getting the club light is only possible from a correct grip

Getting the club light in the backswing not only loads the right arm for power but allows any golfer to swing the club back faster and with more control. This light and levered condition can be easily obtained as it is established at address from a correct grip. With a good grip the club is already light as it is already in an up condition and only needs to be swung back.

Junior golfer with perfect grip and posture
Junior golfer with perfect grip and posture









In the picture above we see a most talented junior golfer Austin Shah in perfect posture made possible from the grip. This club is already up at address as seen with the angle formed by the clubshaft and arms. With his grip the heel pad of the left hand is on top, the thumb is slightly on the side of the handle and the wrist joint is on top of the shaft allowing for a square clubface at impact. Since the arms and clubshaft are not in a straight line it is already light and ready to be swung back.

Levered and light
Levered and light









Now as the left arm swings across the chest the right arm can naturally fold and the right wrist can hinge back putting the club into a light and levered condition. This golfer has control over his golf swing.

Posture too erect from a bad grip
Posture too erect from a bad grip









But with a grip that is too much in the palm the posture gets erect and the clubshaft assumes a straight line with the arms, a heavy starting position one that is difficult to swing and get light.

Complete connection with heel pad on top
Complete connection with heel pad on top








Make sure to get the heel pad of the left hand on top of the shaft, the thumb on the side of the handle with the wrist joint on top of the clubshaft with a square clubface and you too can swing the club back into a light and loaded condition.



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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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