Golf Swing Has A Number One Choice


 Learn to use the clubface

The golf swing has a number one choice to hit the outside the inside or the back of the ball. Each choice has an advantage and a disadvantage that comes with it. Lets start by looking at the objective of any golf swing and that is to hit the ball to a chosen target with a square clubface delivered on a desired path and on an incline plane determined by the lie angle of a club, striking the ball in the center of percussion of the clubface at maximum velocity.

But when doing this one can chose to hit the outside part of the ball, the inside or the back of the ball. As long as the face is square to the target or intended target at the moment of separation, (between the ball and the clubface), the ball will end up at the target. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

The advantage of hitting the outside part of the ball is that it is speed producing. The disadvantage is that it is based on timing. The toe of the clubface needs to be brought in to square the face at impact. This requires an arms and hands release and as a result the club can and will fly off on a tangent relative the body rotation. There is less clubface control with this release. Release the club too much and the ball will work left of the target. Not enough release and the ball will hang right of the target.

Hitting the inside of the ball does not create the same speed but results in total clubface control. More of the heel needs to be brought in to square the clubface. This is done through body rotation. With this release one can cheat centrifugal force as the club never flies off on a tangent. The handle stay in as it is turned left, the club head stays out.

Hitting the back of the ball implies a plane oriented swing. This results in the least amount of timing.

The logical progression here when learning or fixing the golf swing is to first learn how to release the club and be able to hit the outside part of the ball as this will result in a speed increasing right to left shot. This is distance, what most golfers are trying to find in their game. This is also why it is said that until one learns to release the club one cannot use the lower body. With the ball going right to left it becomes a very easy matter of getting rid of it by not inhibiting the lower body.

Golfers that slice the ball seem to be doing everything they can to get ride of the clubface. Golfers that hit the ball long with a right to left shot shape are doing everything they can to maintain and use the clubface. Make sure the grip is not weak and learn to release the club in the through swing, (from the inside), so that the outside part of the ball can be struck. Once done it is a simple matter of allowing the lower body of the legs and hips to return the face back to a more square condition.





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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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