Jordan Spieth’s Practice Swing


Jordan Spieth’s Practice Swing

Jordan Spieth’s practice swing from waist high to waist high captures the golf swing’s core principals of plane, path, clubface and sequence. With little or no effort, he has these four elements in complete control. Here’s why.

His practice swing starts with the right arm folding in the backswing and then the left arm folding in the through swing. As he does this back and forth several times the arms are traveling the wrists are hinging. This is arm swing and it is also perfect path.

Path is the direction the club travels specifically the sweet spot of the clubface. Referenced to the target line at any one time this can be down the line, in to out, out to in, up or down. In motion the swing goes through all of these directions.

As the arms swing back and forth the shoulders are controlling the path they take. This control happens automatically as the arms are attached to the shoulders. With the shoulders on an incline the club will go up in the backswing and down in the downswing. And since the shoulders are pulled from the arm swing there is time necessary for everything to arrive to the top together as it swings up and then down the incline with uninterrupted motion.

Jordan Spieth’s practice swing places the shoulders as an intermediary between the arm swing and legs allowing these two things to coordinate in perfect sequence. And between the two extremes of arm fold the club is staying between the forearms keeping the club on plane.

As he swings back and forth the grip and elbows will automatically control the clubface. By keeping the elbows down in motion the face stays square to plane and path. The right arm folds the face opens the left arm folds the face closes. And this closing allows for use of the legs and hips as they open the face. The more open the hips at impact the “stronger” (more on top) the left hand to offset this. The right hand will reflects the right arm fold maintaining the face in motion. Here is a functional golf swing with minimal involvement on the part of the golfer.

Jordan Spieth’s practice swing from waist high to waist high, is truly everything he does in his full swing.


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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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