The Importance of Posture in the Golf Swing


The Importance of Posture in the Golf Swing Determines How One Swings the Club

The importance of posture in the golf swing is such that it takes precedence over the other four elements in the set up but ironically it is released and even abandoned in order to reach the finish of one’s swing. Posture is achieved by bending backwards from the knees and forward from the hips same time and same amount which lowers one down into a balanced athlete starting position. Said another way: stick your back end out.

The importance of posture shows that the golfer is down to the ball and has room for arm swing and by lowering down like this the torso can be matched to the incline, an ideal, determined by the clubshaft at address putting the club and spine at a right angle. This means that the shoulders can easily assist the arm swing back to the ball. Here the motion is underhanded, not side arm, removing any need for timing with the release. And most importantly correct posture regulates the amount of arm swing in the backswing which keeps everything between the line of the shoulders, a mandatory, from address to finish or in what is know as front and center.

The goal is to have the left arm run into the chest at the same time that the left hand hits the right hand as demonstrated by Amateo Bido. This is how the club is kept in front of the body and between the line of the shoulders.

The importance of the Postures is to put the arms in front of body
The importance of the Postures is to put the arms in front of body
Left arm running into chest
Left arm running into chest





Now we see a junior golfer, Calvin Li, bending to the ball into perfect posture and then keeping the club front and center at the top of his backswing a result of having the correct amount of arm swing.

Calvin Li in perfect posture
Calvin Li in perfect posture

Arms and club in front of body at top
Arms and club in front of body at top

If the arms are a bit long the golfer can pull the shoulders back and if the arms are a bit short then the golfer can round the shoulders and even add more knee flex so as to get down to the ball. If the golfer is a young and skinny the posture can be made more erect  to keep the arms in front of the body. These small adjustments help keep the arms and club between the line of the shoulders or are used to achieve a right angle with the club and spine.

Golfer rounding shoulders at address
Golfer rounding shoulders at address

Young junior standing taller to limit arm swing
Young junior standing taller to limit arm swing

And finally my fellow golfers, we do not stay in our posture in the golf swing. Perhaps this golf verbiage needs to be changed. Golfers release their posture to the finish as evidenced by the following picture.

Golfer losing forward tilt in the through swing
Golfer losing forward tilt in the through swing



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Warren Raatz
PGA Golf Instructor
Royce Brook Golf Club
201 Hamilton Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

work:  908-904-0499
cell:  609-661-9421
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